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Text File
121 lines
<-- *** McSink V2.0 *** -->
McSink is a "Kitchen Sink" DA that provides lots of text
manipulation commands. Some of them are rather unusual and not
often used, but others are often really helpful. All of the
functions are probably available separately in various other
DA's and applications, but I wanted to collect them all into a
DA so I could always have access to them and only use one DA slot.
McSink operates on clipboard text. Its default parameters are
set to automatically paste the clipboard text on an open and to
automatically copy all text to the clipboard on a close, but you
can change that in the Set Parameters dialog.
Here's what the commands do:
<Upper case> converts all letters to uppercase.
<Lower case> converts all letters to lowercase.
<Capitalize sentences> capitalizes the first letter of every
sentence (in most cases.)
<Capitalize words> capitalizes the first letter of every word.
<Form paragraphs> removes CR's from the ends of lines inside
<Word wrap to length> rearranges all text so that no line is longer
than the line length specified in the parameters dialog.
<Sort lines> sorts all lines into ascending alphanumeric order.
<Reverse order lines> reverses the order of lines. The first
becomes the last and vice versa.
<Columnize lines> arranges lines in columnar form. Select the
style of columnization in the parameters dialog. In row order,
the first line goes into column one, the second into column
two, etc. In column order, lines 1…n go into the first column,
lines n+1…n+m go into column two, etc. In both cases, columns
are separated by a string specified in the parameters dialog.
<Indent> adds a tab to the front of every line.
<Unindent> is the reverse of the above.
<Add prefix string> adds a string specified in the parameters dialog
to the front of every line.
<Add suffix string> adds a string specified in the parameters dialog
to the end of every line.
<Convert tabs to spaces> converts tab characters to space strings.
<Convert space runs to tabs> is the reverse of the above.
<Add line numbers> adds line numbers to the front of every line
<Strip line numbers> is the reverse of the above.
<Add comment chars> adds a ';' character to the front of every line.
<Strip comment chars> is the reverse of the above.
<Strip linefeeds> removes all line feeds.
<Set parameters> allows you to change the starting line number,
the line number increment, the tab stop value, the number of
columns and columnization style for columnizing, the line length
for word wrapping, the prefix/suffix/separator string, and
the auto-paste and auto-copy options settings.
<Add ln's & comments> adds line numbers and a ';' character
to the front of every line.
<Hex icon bit map> displays a box cursor. Move the cursor over an
icon image and click - the hex icon data is pasted into McSink's
<Cursor location> clears the window, displays a plus cursor, and
continuously displays the coordinates of the cursor in the window.
Click and the original text is restored and the cursor location text
is pasted to the end of the old text.
General notes:
- You can freely edit any text in the McSink window.
- Undo is supported.
- Cmd A will select all text, Cmd Q will close McSink.
- McSink is limited to 32K of text and will prevent you from
performing an operation that would exceed that.
- All of the parameter settings and the window size and
location are saved on a close and restored on the
next open.
- You can remove this help text from McSink if you're short
of space - just use ResEdit to remove the HELP resource.
McSink is Copyright © 1987 by Signature Software. Permission is
hereby granted for any commercial or personal use without restriction.
McSink was written with the McAssembly assembler available from:
Signature Software
2151 Brown Ave.
Bensalem, PA. 19020
McAssembly is $40.00 and includes the source code for McSink.
The McSink source code is available separately for $20.00.
Signature Software also markets high quality Macintosh cross
assemblers for the TMS34010 graphics controller, the 6502,
and the Z80. Contact us for details.
Let me know of any problems or any suggestions for improvements.
Dave McWherter